Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Slow Week

The mornings have been freezing with bitterly cold winds and rain. Flu season is here and we have succumbed. It is not the time to want to wonder outside, warm drinks and quiet time is what is needed. During a rare break in the weather I did manage to plant out the garlic I ordered from Diggers along with a packet of spinach seeds. The garden is slow I am still waiting for signs of the peas coming up? Well we feel slow at the moment so one can't really blame the garden for behaving the same, can we? Rose hip tea is full of vitamin C and great if you add some fresh root ginger to it if you have a head cold. Rose hip syrup was traditionally given to infants as a source of vitamin C. My mother told me that during the Second World War volunteers in her area collected rose hips and sent them to Melbourne to the Royal Children’s Hospital on the train, freight free. The rosehip’s the only available source of vitamin C during a time of rations. My only living Aunt, ‘Aunty Rae’ celebrated her 100th birthday on the first day of spring. Auntie Rae was given this tea set for her 21st birthday and it sits on a tablecloth that my mother embroidered before she was married in 1943. Mum and Auntie Rea were best friends, so it is nice to use the two things together.

Rose hip tea
2 teaspoons crushed dried rose hips
small knob of ginger, sliced.
Place the rose hip and ginger in a small teapot.
Add boiling water and brew for about 4 minutes.
Serve in your favorite cup and enjoy!

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