Saturday, December 15, 2012



On Thursday afternoon we had a thunderstorm and some quite welcome  heavy rain. Yesterday there was light rain for most of the day. How lucky we were as it has been hot and dry here and time off from watering is most welcome. There is lots happening in the garden, mostly the end of season for some plants. But I am picking the first of the sweet corn, lots of strawberries and other berries are still fruiting well. The Broad Beans are finished and suffered from the 40c heat that we had. Next year I will plant a lot earlier so that I don't have to water or worry about losing a large percentage of the crop to the heat and burn off. I have dug the garlic and am looking forward to trying it as it was one recommended by Diggers. Now that the ground is wonderful and soft, tomorrow I will spend the day planting out my first planting for the winter. Last year I found it difficult to source some of the seedlings to plant. At the moment the nursery have a good range, so this year I have bought early and will plant now rather than in what is really only a few weeks time as I usually plant in January. It should not make much difference planting early and I am crazy not to make the most of the wonderful damp soil. There are still a few Spinach plants left in the garden and yesterday I make Gozleme for lunch, spinach and red onions from the garden and of course a lemon picked for my tree. I used a rally nice Danish goats milk fetta....... it was very YUM! As usual I did not measure anything out so you can find an online recipe here.        

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